Akashic Record Reading

Sometimes, we feel lost among choices and questions on the challenging paths of life. Why am I experiencing these? What should I do about my job? Which is the right decision for me? How should I move forward in my love life? What is my life purpose?

Akasha is a sort of archive that contains all the knowledge from the beginning to the end of creation. This archive includes everything that have happened and will happen individually or universally (all formations, all lives, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, all vibrations and karma) without time and space.

Pythagoras and his students said that every action and thought that occurs in the physical world is recorded in the sky and called it Akasha, meaning the memory of the universe.

The energy in the Akashic records enables the formation of emotions, thoughts and behaviours that the individual and society will manifest at the next stage.

Those who can access the Akashic records can see and transfer exactly the states of the past that they wish to see. In the meantime, it is possible to accelerate, slow down or even stop the time.

We receive the information that we need in our life from our akashic records; in other words, we attract the negative frequencies in a similar form and in certain special circumstances that we cannot resolve in that life. What makes us different in our evolution is these records. Our subconscious is under the influence of these records regardless of whether we are aware or not. Therefore, we experience similar events over and over again.

The Akashic records constitute a very important spiritual resource for enhancing the spiritual awareness. What we experience today is the outcome of what we did in the past, and our present creates our future. For this reason, it is very essential to understand our thoughts and feelings and keep them under control in a positive manner.

What KRYON says about the akashic records:

“Indeed, the Akashic Records are an effective tool with its versatility. They are a space where all the knowledge is accessible. Thanks to this new energy, human beings can taste a metaphorical soup made from the past life energies and select and find the materials that will be useful in their daily life from the ingredients of that soup. Today, human beings can dive into their past and get what they need out of it. Thus, individuals can create a quantum state through the lives that they have experienced, experience time in a multidimensional manner, and gather the information that they need by spiritually wandering within the time. This is because they have experienced, still have and deserve these energies. They can be at peace in all matters. They can exclude sorrow from their lives and heal their cellular structures. I am talking about the most powerful tool that we have ever discussed with the humankind. Think about its power! In the past, only the masters could use it.”

Akashic Record Reading is a healing tool that heals the mind, body, spirit and heart from the deepest traumas. Access to your Akashic Records reveals the blind spots that you cannot see in your daily life, and also completely clears the record of conscious programming that is no longer beneficial to you.

The consultations can also be conducted face-to-face, online, by phone or via e-mail.