Energy Cleansing in Places

Every place contains energy within itself just like humans. The houses lived in, the offices worked in and the areas where they are located and even the furniture and items used in the place have collected the energy of the events that have been experienced for years. For this reason, places affect us directly, even if we are not aware of it.

A place can be considered "healthy" only if it is cleansed, purified and revitalized in terms of energy. For this reason, it is very essential to make energy cleansing as well as physical cleaning.

  • Can't you sleep well?
  • Does a part or entire of your place disturb you?
  • Have you been feeling unhealthy, uneasy and depressed since you moved to your place?
  • Has your profitability decreased since you moved?
  • Are there occurring constant arguments within your place?
  • Is there any blockage in your abundance?
  • Do you have concentration problems in your workplace?
  • Are your employees uneasy? Are you continuously experiencing a personnel circulation?

The answer to these questions can be energy cleansing in the place.